Become a FIRED UP! leader
Maximise Your Leadership Skills With This Group Training Programme
When: Next Course Starts 26th February 2019
We don’t always receive the guidance we need as a leader, no matter what stage we are at. In fact the more time you have spent as a leader the less support and guidance you are likely to receive, when in fact there is nothing to say that anyone told you the ‘right’ way to do things in the first place, so chances are you’ve been winging it ever since and simply doing the best you can with the knowledge you have gathered.
This is your chance to think about your role as a leader… how you come across to your team and peers; how you manage people; how you communicate; how you manage yourself and your time.
We’ll be taking 2 hours for each session to concentrate on you and look at how you can maximise your potential in all areas: with yourself, your team and your peers. You’ll be creating a vision for how you would like to be as a leader and getting clear on what is important to you in how you perform.
There will be time to integrate your learnings between each session and you’ll be meeting like minded people along the way, all the time getting clearer on how to maximise your potential.
Read on to hear more about what’s involved and if you like what you read, please get in touch to find out more.
What’s included:
Seven Face-2-Face Group Training Sessions
Get Uber Clear On Who You Want To Be As A Leader
Consider Your Style Of Leadership – Is It Working For You?
How To Step Into Your Power And Rev Up Your Confidence
Communicate Like A Pro To Get The Best Out Of Your Team
This Programme is for you if:
You know you have things you need to improve on
You don’t know what you don’t know
You can’t seem to get through to your team
The same issues keep cropping up again and again for you
You feel you’re running just to stand still
You want to maximise your potential
You’d like to meet other people like you
Please get in touch, I’d love to tell you more about becoming a FIRED UP! leader.