Confidence comes and goes throughout our life, I honestly believe confidence can drop within a matter of weeks, the question is how we rebuild it and keep ourselves brimming over with confidence to ensure you believe in yourself and allow your voice to be heard. Confidant Diva is an 8 part online programme putting you back in touch with you and creating a vision of the life you really want to lead, plus some extra magickal tips for those times when we have a wobble.

Work 1-1 with me for ad hoc career or business coaching, most people book a series of 6 sessions, if you need just the one that is fine, you can do that too.

Define Your Dream Career – work with me 1-1 to identify the career that will light you up and truly re-ignite you professionally. This course is for anyone who has lost their mojo and feels like their career may be a lost cause. We work together to remind you of everything you are capable of and more. It’s a 3 part programme that looks at you, your dreams and creates an action plan to make them happen, with me holding your hand along the way.

Leader Diva is an 8 part programme to take you from one level to the next, looking at your current performance as a leader, highlighting your strengths and weaknesses and especially any blind spots. We work through your communication style, how you manage your team, your style of leadership and how you develop a high performing team along with other competencies required of a leader to inspire and empower those around you.

2019 Yearly Planner

Create the best year of your life with this FREE course; reflection, planning, goal setting and visioning. 

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