Replaced/What I Do
I’m here to unleash the power within you.
I empower women just like you to put yourself and your career first! Sounds good, this is the real deal. Not only do I remind you of all the facets of your natural gifts you’ve locked down and the dreams you’ve hidden away, I help you to see how they can create a career that will light you up day after day.
First I’m going to tell you the important stuff, then I’ll tell you the interesting stuff…
So the important stuff starts with over 15 years experience working in the drinks industry for companies including Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Greene King Pub Company and Constellation Wines. Do I still have a functioning liver I hear you ask, yes absolutely though I am the person the wine list gets handed to when eating out and I know what I like! I worked mainly on the Marketing side of life and on the whole it was fun. But like most people there were times I was disillusioned, and it was in one of those moments when my heart was telling me (again) I wanted to do something of more value, something that mattered more than wine, that I discovered Coaching. I trained as a Coach in 2005, specialising in Career Coaching and then I continued to work in the drinks industry, while also starting my own practice on the side. I got married and we moved to Germany (that’s another story) and while there I worked with the military on Career Transition for a number of years and I now work as a Leadership Management trainer for individuals and corporates, as well as having my own practice.
So what does this mean for you? Well it means you get a Coach that is highly driven so I’m always moving forward and taking my clients with me; I’m solutions focussed so when you think you’ve come to a dead end, I can help you find a way through; I’m highly intuitive so I easily sense what’s really going on for you; I cut through the crap to simplify and boil information down to it’s nub which is pretty useful. I’m massively supportive so always there for you when you need me; highly creative in the way I work so I like to keep things fresh for my clients in the different methods we use, and organisation is one of my things even if it’s not one of yours, so I’ll always keep you on track. And finally I’m honest and will always tell you the truth.
I promised to tell you something more interesting about me too didn’t I….
I make a mean chocolate cake; I’ve got a gorgeous black lab who I treat like another child; I love Salsa and dancing in general; I love to read fantasy books (Game of Thrones I’m talking here, not the naughty stuff) and I’m a Champion of Women and their position in life – not in the being a feminist type of way, more in the helping you find your power because it’s something I believe strongly in. Oh and I believe to learn anything you have to have some fun along the way and I’m all for that.
My Goals
There are a number of ways we can work together…
To Empower you to put yourself and your career first!
To build your confidence!
To inspire you!
To reignite your passion!
To give you clarity and a crystal clear vision to work towards!
I decided to take Nicola on for some business coaching and it was an incredibly valuable experience. Nicola was professional but engaged me in such a way I felt she was a friend as well. From the start you realise she cares about you and whether you achieve the goals that have been set between you from week to week. I was extremely pleased with the results after employing her, I grew both as a person and as a business which is more than I could have asked for.
Lindsay Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.